How to Develop a Good Study Routine
A good study routine increases the chances for academic excellence while maintaining a good balance between studies and other day-to-day activities. Not only is it important that a student plans academically when they're going to study but also it's important that they create a consistent, daily study routine.
In coming up with an effective study routine, you need to consider the following key points:
1. Begin now
You should not wait until examination time to begin studying. The routine should be aimed at gaining and retaining knowledge versus passing examinations. Setting enough time for your studies, increases the analytical thinking and processing of knowledge, increasing the value of learning.
2. Choose a timetable format
Create a single timetable that will be the same for each week for yourself. Alternatively, you can build a customised one for each week depending on the specific task for that week.
3. Be practical
It is important to cover the study workload in moderation. Studying is a high-energy, intense activity which requires a lot of concentration. It is important to reduce your social activities that may distract your focus. Have a balance between study and play.
4. Identify the best time of day
Studying should be scheduled at a time when you feel most active and attentive. If you are a lark or owl student, consider scheduling your study times in the morning or evening/night respectively.
5. Find a study haven
Others may prefer pin-drop silent kind of environment for studying while others may prefer areas with a bit of activities going on. Wherever your preferred learning environment is, ensure there is minimum interruptions.
6. Be flexible
Consider a study routine that's flexible to fit around any unexpected events that might come up. If you need to attend to a social activity you hadn’t anticipated, a flexible schedule will enable you to push forward or bring forth your study time. A habit of making up for your lost study time is important.
7. Monitor the effectiveness of the schedule
To measure the effectiveness of your study routine, consider ticking your goals on the schedule on weekly basis. This can be done by taking up a quiz or an exam in the areas covered for that week.
Ultimately, whether you are studying formally or informally (home schooling), a study routine is important to enhance your academic progress. However, a good study routine demands personal commitment and discipline to really work.